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Assessments are great tools used to increase the self-awareness of leaders and individuals in addition to developing high performing teams. One of the oldest and most popular assessments is the Myers-Briggs type indicator. This assessment will assign one of 16 existing personality types to each participant. The output of the assessment places people on a scale between extroversion and introversion, sensing and intuition, thinking and feeling, and judgment versus perception.

Another very popular assessment is the DISC assessment. It is a personality test that scores people on 4 personality dimensions: Conscientiousness, Dominance, Steadiness, and Influence. Based on their score the participant is presented with a diagram that shows their natural and adapted styles of engagement although everyone will have elements of each style in various degrees.

Myers-Briggs and DISC are typically self- assessments (single-rater assessments) where individuals assess themselves. A comprehensive 360-degree assessment provides deep, data-informed insight into one’s organizational behavior as perceived by others and oneself. A 360-degree assessment sometimes called a multi-rater assessment is a process that seeks feedback from a leader’s peers, superiors, and direct reports in addition to a self-evaluation by the employee themselves.

Below is a sampling of the assessments that PCG uses with clients. PCG also works with Assessments 24/7 to administer a series of assessments that helps workgroups develop into high performing teams.

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“To assess the quality of thoughts of people, don’t listen to their words, but watch their actions.”

Amit Kalantri

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